Last Wednesday we had an important meeting in London, followed by a Global Presentation Streaming. We saw the family growing, first in the London Circle, then worldwide.
We shared a brief analysis of the ideas and comments that we got from the kick-off event and were able to understand the process a bit better as we are trying to understand ourselves.
We took some important decisions:
Decentralized structure based on local and thematic Circles
The Circles are open and inclusive > Anyone can be part of one or more circles. Any member of the community can start a new circle. The circles could be focused on a specific city or neighbourhood or any other local identity and also on a specific topic.
Any Circle has it’s own identity and is independent but has to agreed with the general values and the core principles of CivicWise.
So for we have two circles: Global & London.
Two possible roles within the CivicWise community
Anyone could be member of CivicWise community. We have so far two possible roles:
1 – CivicWiser all the members > To become a CivicWiser fill this form >
2 – CivicBaker/CivicMaker (we aren’t sure about which one we should use) > To become a CivicBaker/Maker you have to be a CivicWiser and then be an active member of one of our Circles.
We would be happy to hearing your opinion about which word between CivicBaker or CivicMaker you prefer the most. Please use the hashtag #CivicBaker and #CivicMaker and help us with this “difficult” decision.
Here somo notes from the meeting:
“How different streams of action/thinking can interact and create conditions to take advantage of conjunctions points, where different projects have things in common”
“Need to differentiate between people that create (makers/bakers) and people that use the platform”
“A set of values and core principles of participation and communication are needed, as right now is still ambiguous”
“To move forward to need to assign roles and tasks, creating a distributed collaboration”
“We don’t need ambassadors, as we all are doing our bit to promote and engage. Every CivicBaker should assume that role”
“We need to focus on tools that enable people to feel part of it and tasks that make participation flexible”
“We are promoting a lack of hierarchy, where everyone feel inclusive and people”
Here @Noelito‘s notes scheme

We have open the conversation about values, roles, tools and tasks which is leading us to a more efficient and structured way of thinking/doing.
Now it’s time to define together our Values and our Core Principles. Please tweet your suggestion using the hashtag #civicwiseis > Next weekly hangout we will debate about it so don’t lose it!
Next Weekly Hangout Meeting
Date: 25/03/2015
Time: 19h (London Time)
Media: Google Hangout
Hashtag: #civicwisehangout #civicwiseis
Topic: 1h Define the CivicWise values > 1h General Executive Organization
To take part on the meeting it’s necessary to follow the google+ page >
Here the Storify (by @saverio_massaro) with the tweets related with the Global Presentation:
Become a CivicWiser