The people distributed globally through the network are located in specific communities by engaging with real territories, building “local circles” constantly connected with the “global network”.

Local Circles
Appear when a group of people inhabiting within a territory and connected with the global network start to think and develop actions and projects. To ensure a distributed and inclusive approach, local circles are not exclusive or representative for a specific territory; they are independent but not competitive.

Global Network
Is our core, where we gather our knowledge, resources and collective intelligence in order to feed from and to local circles.
Once a local community engage with actions and projects, they connect with global network through our project governance.
For our project governance we define three levels of engagement:
Has the ultimate responsibility and maximum level of commitment. Could be one or more people being within the local circle who engage the project in the first place and have the right and the responsibility to build the workgroup regarding the necessities and expertise for the project. They follow up the content and coordinate the different parties within the project, and develop threads to enable contribution of everyone within the network.
Core Team
Collaborates in the decision-making processes and shares the responsibility with coordinators. They are the ones who are producing the work more hands-on. Built with specific people within the network, the core team is supported by people from local and global community giving the “glocal” condition to the project.
Supports the workgroup but does not take responsibility for the governance or results. They are the people within the network who taking advantage of our open tools to communicate, collaborate in the decision-making processes and develop the project, want to participate in some specific points or actions of the project, playing an open role to be truly engaged with concrete contexts within CivicWise network.