Carers, Magazine and Core Principles Document
Yesterday we had our second global video-hangout. You can see the recorded video here.
Core Principles Document
We this meeting we discussed about our core values and principles. We had a very interesting conversation and we decided to create a collaborative document where we can contribute to our vision. The idea is to create a document before our next meeting that will be on the 8th of April.
You can have a look at the document and contribute here.
We introduced to our distributed governance a new figure called Carer.
A Carer is a sort of Supervisor who cares about a specific topic or matter. He coordinates but he doesn’t have any hierarchical higher position. For any role we can have one or more Carers.
So far we have these ones:
Communication – Domenico (@urbanohumano)
Governance – Domenico (@urbanohumano)
Academia/ Research – Ana (@EmDeplo) , Pablo? (@pablo_sendra)
Local authorities – Noel (@noelito)
Principles – Fausto (@FaustoLlopis), Andrea
We detected the need for other Carers to manage Circles, Competitions and Money, but so far we don’t have any volunteer for that, so if you want to be please send a tweet to @civicwise or contact us here.
CivicWise Magazine
We also decided to start an online magazine focused on Collaborative Urbanism and Civic Engagement. The first carer of the project is Domenico but more Carers are needed. If you want to colaborate please contact Domenico directly.
Having a Magazine doesn’t mean that this blog will disappear. The aim of this blog stays the same, which is to inform about the CivicWise project itself.
We also talked about some competitions we should take in account
European Social Innovation Competition
Also there is an interesting reference for that competition by Edgeryders > https://edgeryders.eu/en/making-lote3/how-to-win-the-european-social-innovation-competition-documentation
European Cultural Foundation – Idea Camp
Noel and Domenico will care about this one.
OuiShare Awards
Orsola (@orsolademarco) will care about it.
Designing the Urban Commons
Pablo will care about it.
We realised that we need some general documents to improve our distributed communication. In doing so we allow all of us to spread the word and organising local presentations in order to establishi new local partnership.
We need at least these documents:
Powerpoint presentation for group audience
Email to introduce the project
Competitions application
Promotional video/ Prezi?
CoDesign ten steps Graphic …
To improve our organization and distributed governance we decided to have an open wishlist.
Please put here any suggestion or thought.
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Remember: Become a CivicWiser > fill this form >https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gfgZYNL-VpWvmZVBKT-RUWPhnnfmrLYOy1n5THlWrJ4/viewform
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Here the Storify of the Hangout by @saverio_massaro