This week, from the 19th to the 24th of September, CivicWise will participate to a great event Tenerife Isla Colabortiva in the Faculty of Bellas Artes of the La Laguna University (ULL)
Tenerife Isla Colabortiva is:
- An opportunity to discover the major aims of a new economic system, to explore common actions in order to implement this changement and define common strategies for a collaborative process and management of urban transformation in Tenerife and Canary Islands
- A unique event to get in contact with an advanced and intensive training on collaborative economy by the main local and international experts.
- A great chance to connect locals actions and projects in order to enhance the construction of a collaborative ecosystem in Tenerife and Canary Islands.
During this event Civicwise will organise different events following 7 differents axes:
- Supply and local and responsible economy
- Production and energy as commons
- Collaborative Economy
- free and open access culture and knowledge
- Neighborhood relations as common values
- Livable cities and common spaces
- Informal Education
The CivicWise community will be represented globally by an intervention of Domenico di Siena giving a talk about city as human scale and collective spaces; locally by CivicWise Canarias that will be actively involved in the Tenerife Collaborativa events with a specific project called AGORA.
AGORA is a physical and conceptual space that brings together all debates and reflection activities on civic engagement and innovation in an integrated management of the territory. Its aim is to foreshadow the role that could have a international Civic Factory Network.
A Civic Factory Network is a project developed by the CivicWise community to create a network of places of knowledge, learning, action and reflection to foster a collaborative working amongst the differents actors that contribute to the urban transformations of the city like citizens, professionals, public sector and private sector.
AGORA will be a catalyst multifunctional space organise as follow:
- Information Space
- Dynamic Space : workshop organisation and coordination
- Ephemeral and flexible Space : we wants to settle down a recognizable physical presence around the city and Canarias islands during and after the festival to promote collaborative initiatives in Canarias
- Space of reflections and debates : to animate formal and informal discussions
- Space of conviviality : an informal place where people can exchange , discuss and built networking sharing a coffee, a lunch or a chillout area.
AGORA will be a moment to presents and discuss about some important local projects developed by Civicwise Canarias.The local community is leading 2 fundamental research project:
- InsuLab : an international research Lab about insularity through the analysis of the local environment introducing transversal concepts.The principal aim of this research laboratory is to create an international observatory of resilient insular solutions in a worldwide perspective.
- RuralLab : a local international research laboratory to develop specific model acting in the local territory as an hybridization between urban and rural environment.
And 2 local projects in process:

A project developed in 2 actions:
a first action is a participatory and social process that tries to generate an active community around cultural, social and physical activities and that helps to improve and stir the facilities into action. The aim is to create an open cultural center, built around a collective management across collective intelligence, collaborative design and civic empowerment;
a second action consist in the rehabilitation of the facilities of a private socio-cultural center in Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain
For more information about this project look at :
Youtube channel:
Facebook page :

Is a project to promote spontaneous civic actions leaded by citizens through informal education strategies and empowering the collective intelligence.
This project will be developed in 6 differents actions :
- Set up a Civic Space (Civic Factory): transformation of an abandoned school in a civic lab
- Mapping prosumers initiatives
- From Human to Human: a platform to exchange objects in the city
- Co-construction of public equipments in differents neighborhood
- My firs public space: civic lessons in the schoolyard as a first example of civic public space
For more information follow twitter @cwCanarias
To follow the Tenerife Collaborativa event :