Glocal Camp CoDesign Open Call
CivicWise is a distributed and open community. It’s mission is to empower citizens by fostering collaborative urbanism, promoting civic innovation and inspiring better civic engagement.
Started in January 2014 in London, CivicWise is now a non-profit organization (registered in France) which has rapidly evolved from a handful of enthusiasts to a global movement in dozens of countries.
Now it’s time to meet, debate and make stuff together. It’s why we decided to organise the first CivicWise Open meeting that will take place in Paris (France) in may.
The meeting will be an important moment to consolidate our community and start new collaborative projects.
So far we defined four goals:
- social and human connection
- develop a real project on the ground in paris
- discuss about civicwise organization and future projects
- discover new amazing researches and projects around Collaborative Urbanism and Civic Innovation.
We want to design the event openly and collaboratively.
If you are interested on take part on the open design process of the event please fill this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/140P3XO0XtxBiVDQLkdxGTubb0EW7fXqoz3EO4mitkA0/viewform