Coordinating our Communication

This week our topic of discussion was Communication. We had a “different” Global Hangout, as you can see on the recorded video. Following you have the minute of the session.


Global account:

Manager: Domenico and Orsola.


  • Information about the hangouts: before (Orsola), during, after (Domenico).
  • Replying to people.
  • Engagement.
  • Inspiration.

Create a photoshop (or similar open source software) template with image and text for announcing the hangout.

National accounts:

Managers (so far):

Italy: Saverio.

Spain: Daniel.

France: Domenico.

Catalunya: Ana.

Colombia: María.

Netherlands: Carer needed!!!


  • Translating global account into local language.
  • Some extra content.


Twitter lists:



Civic Engagement




Local authorities


Urban Praxis



We will send newsletters only when something important is happening. For updates we will use the blog. We won’t use the newsletter for announcing hangouts or anything similar.

The objective of this is to avoid sending too much information to people.

We will try to send one per month.


Monday: Announcing the hangout and promoting the topic of the week (Daniel).

Thursday: Post-hangout: minutes and discussion (Domenico).

Saturday: Highlights of the week (Orsola):

There will be a discussion on discourse about what are the highlights of the week. The deadline for the discussion on discourse will be Friday, so the carer of communication can do a summary a publish a post in the blog on Saturday. This post will include around 5 bullet points about what has happened during the week.

The all will be shared on social media.

Local physical presentations:

Prepare a text (Domenico) and slides (Pablo) for the presentation.

Brand book:

Jonathan will do the illustrations.

Pablo will do a brand book to show how to use logos, texts, how to compose slides, name cards, images for the blog, etc.


Sharing the blogs-posts (Pablo): Monday, Thursday, Saturday.

Inspiration posts (Domenico and open to anyone).

We will skip the hangout next week for having two weeks to think deeply about the principles and having a Global Hangout on Wednesday the 20th about PRINCIPLES.

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