Working on our Legal Form

The first good news of this session is that we achieved to stay in an hour. The idea is to continue with that. Any session should not lasts more than an hour.

Legal form

Orsola talked about her CivicWIse presentation at Urbanistas London, which is a Women-led network for growing women’s leadership and empowering collaboration on projects/ideas that make everyday life in cities better for everyone. After her presentation Orsola asked for some advise about our legal form. The majority of the audience suggested to use the CLG form (company limited by guarantee).

During the session we agreed that it’s important to have a form that’s agile, flexible, doesn’t require too much reporting/documents and stressed the difference with a normal for-profit company.The CLG form seems to offer all of these outlines and apparently it is the most used one for organisations similar to ours, social enterprises and non-profits. It allows the non-profit status but allows to generate revenues, employ people and distribute profits.

The idea is to start with this legal form in order to have as soon as possible a legal identity but our aim is still to achieve a legal form that allow any member be even formally part of it, by governance and ownership, so at the end probably a coopertative.

What we need now is to find out if it can operate internationally. Please if you have any thought, doubt or comment about the decision to use the CLG form, please share it on Discourse here.


This week the Governance Circle started its work with its first weekly sessions. We will have one every tuesday at 13:00 to 13:30 (CEST).
This week we talked about Circle Governance and we decided that is essential that in any circle we can have a core team of carers caring about communication, governance and welcoming.
We also talked about the need for a Project Management and Time Tracker tool. Andrea is looking for the “perfect” one. When he found it, the idea is to test it within the governance circle and if is working well let the rest of the community using the same system.
We also decided to rename the Funding circle as Finance circle.


We are still working on our principles. We need to define as soon as possible our Principles. Here you can find the form to contribute.


We are working on our first version of the Magazine. We want to have it by the end of april but we are clearly late. We hope to have it in a couple of week. If you are writing a text, please send it as soon as possible to Domenico which is caring about this first version of the Magazine.


Domenico and Andrea started to think about the organisation of a hackthon in order to go ahead with the digital platform development. So far the idea is to have a first little meeting with no more than 10 people to decide exactly what kind of platform we want. The idea is to shape a first mockup of the platform. Later, maybe in september we organise a proper hackthon to develop the alpha version of it. We thought that could happen in Brussels.


We need more coordination in terms of communication. So we decided to start with weekly meeting on monday at 13:00 to 13:30 (CEST) in order to discuss and coordinate the communication.

Next Global Hangout

During the next hangout our weekly core topic will be the Communication. See you next Wednesday. Remember we are starting one hour late which is at 21:00 and we will finish at 22:00 (CEST – Central European Time).

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