Next Global Hangout | 15th April
We started our CoDesign process with the aim to define a Civic Design Method and how CivicWise, both Community and Platform will work.
Next week we will have a special session to catch up together where we are with the CivicWise development and governance. So if you want to be updated and help building a stronger community don’t lose this important session.
The Hangout Meeting will be the 15th of April at 19h (GMT London Time)
You can found more detail about the meeting agenda here, feel free to add anything you think we should discuss: > https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BuLbYtKw-blgtG0qGCEdM1xzC2kDXv20EFuX8f9AZ1A/edit
You can watch the streaming directly from youtube >
On the right of the youtube page you can found a chat box. We will use it to debate with all of you.
If you want to take part on it follow us on Google+
We have just launching a new tool that will improve our discussion and our CoDesign process. That tool is called Discourse. It’s a forum. Please have a look at it, and register.
Help us spreading the word using the hashtag:
– use #CWhangout to tweet live during our hangout meeting