# 37 | WHY ?




Thanks to Orsola De Marco,3 months after CivicWise’s launch in London, the Weekly Newsletter is born the 30th May 2015 by those words :

The CivicWise community has rapidly grown and so is the work we are doing.

From engaging with new people, working on the method, talking about internal governance, and shaping the platform, it is a real challenge to keep track of everything that’s going on.

We therefore decided to introduce a new weekly post here on the blog to briefly recap what happened during the week.”

12th September 2016 what can we say more?
Nothing but the fact that CivicWise community has grown: 8 Local Circles (London, Madrid, Seville, Paris, Milano, Roma, Curutiba, Valencia, Medellin), 10 Network Circles (UK, France, Italy, Greece, Colombia, Catalunya, Mexico, Argentina, Brasil, Belgium) are borned.

Do you know that we have got 13.300 friends around the world and we are probably more than 200 wisers? CW as grown  at such a point and such rhythm that it’s difficult to even welcoming  now a new member without be lost in CW governance principles, CW circles themes , explain CW projects or just know whore are wisers.

CivicWisers are huge workers but it became obvious that we have to take the time to think together about CW structure for efficiency.
Once again.
Indeed, looking backward, Wisers have already worked collectively on this question from 2015 to the recent february Global Camp 2016 in Paris.Thanks to this collective reflexions we have got a reified structure of circles working hard on projects but whose today’s difficulty is to refer to CivicWise when are asked those simple questions: What / Who is Civicwise ?

If we say that CivicWise is this amazing Idea of promoting glocally the empowerment of citizen and that this Idea becomes reality by local circles, we don’t have to forget to food it in return. CivicWise exists by the feedback we give, as a tag which each circle made reference to, grouping together all datas.

That’s why Communication’s Circle initiate the 19th August 2016 by Domenico Di Siena and Francesco Previti, has decided to start again this Weekly Newsletter for share the work made by all circles and therefore, restart circles connection.

As said Orsola “We promise it will be as short as a breaking news and won’t take longer to read than having your breakfast. No more excuses to feel left out!

So wisers, see you :

Saturday morning 17th September  

for our first Weekly Newsletter between your coffee, tea, croissants (Paris), eggs (London), fruits (Valencia), cornetto (Milano) or a big mix cause we are Glocal.

Adelante ! Let’s connect Circles !




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