CivicWise first steps cards

CivicWise has endless possibilities for interaction. You can be overwhelmed by so much information or you can get lost in the infinity of people, projects, concepts, networks, etc., so we propose some first steps to help you get into the network.

There is no manual, nor a unique way to interact, but these are some contributions that we can share with you according to our experience and what we have learned and built over time.


Map yourself!

The CiviWise Network is open, international and distributed. Look for CivicWise members here or map yourself if you want us to find you. ๐Ÿ™‚

How to:
1. Click here to register. If you are already registered, skip to step 3 of this card.
2. Check the confirmation email
3. Update the information in your profile page and add yourself to the map.
4. Look for other wisers here.

Share your work with CivicWise community

If you have projects with the CivicWise values or interests, you can share with us in a post at the CivicWise Magazine.

How to:
1. Click here to go to CivicWise mapping and find a Connector member of our community.
2. Tell her/him about your project or work.
3. The connector will guide you on how to proceed.

Get into CivicWise slang

Every once in a while we like to came up with new concepts and words, so here you can find some of them to familiarize you with.

How to:
1. Go to our glossary doc and check out our slang.

Have a look at our open source publications

CivicWise has developed several projects, tools, researches, reports. All of them are based on collective intelligence, civic innovation, open design and promote citizen engagement.
Have a look at our open source publications to know them better.

How to:
1. Go to publications through this link.
2. If you are interested in publishing open source content with us, you can contact a CivicWise Connector and ask for it. Weโ€™ll guide you on how to proceed.

Get in touch with CiviWise members

CivicWise has dozens of professionals and communities ready for โ€œglocalโ€ actions and projects, fully active and connected through our network.
Get in touch with a CivicWise Connector! Connectors are active members of the CivicWise network that you can contact with.

How to:
1. Go here to our CivicWise Mapping to find connectors or members.
2. Find someone by interests or location.
3. Contact and start sharing knowledge on civic innovation!

Communicate with the CivicWise Network by Slack

Slack is a platform where CivicWise shares information and keeps in touch with the rest of the network. If you want to know what happens in an open civic innovation ecosystem, join us at slack.

How to:
1. Join us here
2. Register on CivicWise Slack
3. Choose a name
4. Add a profile photo
5. Introduce yourself in the channel #cw_general
6. Do you have a question about CivicWise? Ask it in #cw_ihaveaquestiononcw channel in slack
7. Join channels by your interests
8. Join your local channel
9. Don't we have a local channel of your territory/city? Let 's create one!!

Attend a CivicWise event and live the experience

Many people became part of CivicWise Network by attending an event.
If you are interested in knowing the CivicWise members and understanding how we work, this is an opportunity to get in touch.

How to:
We have several events around the world, if you find one next to you, please don't hesitate to join us. All the events are open! ๐Ÿ™‚

> Workshops
> Glocal Camp
> Courses

Look for them on our website and social media!

Watch our Youtube channels

We publish videos of talks that arise from events, projects or debates about the topics around civic innovation. If you want to know a little more about the CivicWise network and projects watch some of them.

How to:
1. Go to:
...CivicWise channel
...CivicWise MX
...CivicWise Paris
2. Subscribe
3. Select and watch a video
4. Comment and start a debate
5. If you are interested in adding new content you can contact a CivicWise Connector and ask about it.

Follow CivicWise on social media

CivicWise is formed by many communities and professionals active in different territories and projects. If you want to stay tuned on what's happening in CivicWise, follow us on social media!

How to:

1. Here you can find our main CivicWise accounts:
2. If you look for them, you can find further CivicWise accounts associated with names of Countries or Cities, those are CivicWise Circles or Networks active in specific territories or topics.

Sign in!

The core of CivicWise is their people. If you want to contribute to the growth of the network, be part of it!

How to:

1. Go to this link and fill the form
2. Check the confirmation email
3. Complete your profile with your personal information, interests and a profile photo if you want to be shown in our CivicWise Mapping.
4. Now you are in our directory and you can receive information about events, projects and tools that CivicWise is developing.

CivicWise is a complex reality, easier to feel than to tell. That's why we invite you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Let's have a coffee!

Find a CivicWise Connector